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本所陳金泉律師榮獲錢伯斯法律評級機構CHAMBERS & PARTNERS集團出版的CHAMBERS ASIA PACIFIC,Asia-Pacific's Leading Lawyers for Business 2012年版評選為臺灣勞動法領域最佳律師之一(Band 1,含陳律師在內共三人)。推薦文中對陳金泉律師領導之明理法律事務所團隊,評為:持續致力於處理許多與僱傭相關之案件,專攻本國之事件且通常代表勞方。過去幾年更特別積極於指標性案件,尤以處理過許多受矚目之性騷擾及不當解僱案件。推薦理由:極為專精,且對於代表勞方有多年之經驗。對陳金泉律師個人之評語則為:經驗極為豐富並於勞動訴訟上持續有相當高之勝訴率。 全文摘要如下(pp.987-988): THE FIRM This firm continues to handle many employment-related cases, usually on behalf of employees, and specialises in affairs in the domestic market. The past year has been particularly active on the litigious front, with the firm handling several high-profile sexual harassment and unfair dismissal cases. Sources say: "Very focused, with many years of experience representing employees." KEY INDIVIDUALS The deeply experienced Chen Jin Quan continues to have a high success rate in employee-employer litigation. 

明理法律事務所:台北市中正區100重慶南路三段五十七號三樓 電話:(02)2368-6599 傳真:(02)2368-5978